Joel & Ethan Coen

Guests at NFF 2007

Joel and Ethan Coen, are Oscar-winning American filmmakers. For more than 20 years, the pair have written and directed numerous successful films, ranging from comedies to film noir, to movies where those two genres blur together. The brothers write, direct and produce their films jointly, although until recently Joel received sole credit for directing and Ethan for producing.


2007 - No country for old men
2006 - Paris, je t'aime
2004 - The Ladykillers
2003 - Prima ti sposo, poi ti rovino
2001 - L'uomo che non c'era
2000 - Fratello, dove sei?
1998 - Il grande Lebowski
1996 - Fargo
1994 - Mister Hula Hoop
1991 - Barton Fink - È successo a Hollywood
1990 - Crocevia della morte
1987 - Arizona Junior
1985 - Blood Simple - Sangue facile



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