Prima che il gallo canti

International title: 
Prima che il gallo canti
Regia Fabrizio Bancale Sceneggiatura Fabrizio Bancale Massimo Smith Fotografia Davide Sondelli Montaggio Massimo Staiti Musica Andrea Farri Interpreti Francesco Silvestri Ottavia Carosone Produzione Straight to Video Origine Italia, 2007 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 11' Synopsis The darkened city streets traversed by a night time bus. People who get on, people who get off… People who stay. Those who return after a long day at work, and those who begin work as the sun goes down. A young gypsy girl is on her way back to the nomad camp and the bus driver becomes her guardian angel. Until the stars cease to play their jazz.



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